All students attending the 2024-25 school year need to be up-to-date on their immunizations to attend in-person learning.

If our records currently indicate your student is not up-to-date on their immunizations, your household will be receiving letters from us in the near future and phone calls starting after Winter Break. While your student may have received their vaccinations, CAIS needs an updated record to reflect these changes for the 2024-25 school year.

Students who do not have updated records reflecting updated immunization records OR recognized exemption forms will not be allowed to attend in person learning as of February 19, 2025 (Exclusion Day).

Please email us:
or call us at 503.785.7860 with any questions or concerns. 
Thank you!

Click here to download a flyer with locations to access vaccines in Clackamas County.

If your child has a primary care provider, arrange an appointment with them for immunizations. If your child lacks health insurance or a primary care provider, you can schedule an appointment at a Clackamas County Health Center or Neighborhood Health Centers. School-based health centers also offer immunizations. Affordable options are available for those who are uninsured or underinsured.

Clackamas Academy of Industrial Sciences and Clackamas County Immunization Rates

Click this link, School County Data, to view Clackamas County immunization numbers.

Click on the image to read more data in both English and Spanish.